lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009

The Coup D'état in Honduras

Hello, today I’m going to talk about the Coup d’état in Honduras, I will describe the situation first, and then I’ll tell you my opinion about Micheletti and then Zelaya. Then I’ll tell you what I think it’s going to happen in Honduras.
In Honduras, on June 29th, in the 2009, the military forces of Honduras arrested the president of this country, whose name is Manuel Zelaya. He was militant of the Liberal Party of Honduras. He was arrested, because he was adopting politics from Chavist regime, this mean, Zelaya called for a vote for constitutional reform, which was declared illegal by bodies such as Parliament and the Supreme Court. Before doing this constitutional reform he was arrested, and Micheletti took the presidency of the country.
Now I’m going to tell you my opinions about Micheletti and then Zelaya. First, I think that Micheletti is a marionette of the interests of the money power, and the right wing of the Honduran politics. I mean, they don’t want to lose power by this new constitution (understanding that Zelaya wanted to turn the constitution to a “more popular” way). And about Zelaya … I think it’s only a common liberal opportunist, that wanted to stay more time with the power, I don’t think he had good intentions by being president.
I think, that Honduras will stay with Micheletti for a while, and then he will leave the power, and he’ll be punished by his own political mates because of the coup d’état when their interests will be satisfied. I don’t know, I’m not optimistic about it, and I don’t care about Zelaya, I think the only thing that’s important right now, is the people who is fighting against this fact government on Honduras.

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