lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

The Lord of the Rings: The fellowship of the Ring

The Lord of the Rings has been one of the famous movies on the last few years. This movie it’s about a journey that’s started by a fellowship that wants to destroy Sauron’s Ring, because, if this ring arrives on Sauron’s hands, means that he can rule the Middle Earth. It starts on Hobbiton, on the Frodo’s house, because he is the one who carries the ring on whole journey, with four hobbits. They go with Strider (he’s real name it’s Aragorn, but on the first step of this movie he is called like that, he uses it as a nickname) after being on the Inn of the Prancing Pony. He helps the hobbits escape of the Nazgûls, because they were looking for the ring. Then, they reach to Rivendel, an elven town. There they got together with a few people: Gandalf, Legolas the elf, Gimli the Dwarf, Boromir the human of Gondor. They decide to go with Frodo to destroy the ring. After this they go way to Moria, going through the mountains to get there. In Moria Gandalf loses a fight against a Balrog (this is something like a Dragon) and the fellowship decides to go forward without him. Then they went to Lothlorien, and after this they go by canoe on the river Anduin, and arrive on the Falls of Rauros. There they get attacked by the Uruk-hai, who kills Boromir, and separates the fellowship on three: Frodo and Sam, Pippin and Merry, and Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, and there this movie ends.
I like this movie a lot; when I was younger I was a fan of it, because of his music (it is very sweet, with lots of European medieval details, and big orchestras music), his fantastic medieval characterization, and their characters, for example the elves, with their typical majesty. They really did a good job.
The director of this movie was Peter Jackson; he also did the other Lord of the rings movies, and he won lots of Oscars and movie Prizes.

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